
Gerrit Alex

Software Engineer

Hi, I'm Xeph!

Nowadays I'm working on all things Archon.gg.

In my free time, I'm watching series, movies, play some games (which will also receive a page) and listen to music.

Oh and I do some World of Warcraft-related LUA work:

Former projects

  • Wahlorientierungshilfe
    • a German election tool for the general election of 2017
  • Resources Helper
    • theorycrafting and efficiency management tool for the mobile game Resources
  • AuctionCraftSniper
    • basically what TSM became to be, but as a website
  • Keystone Heroes
    • Warcraft Logs-based analysis of Mythic+ logs during Shadowlands
  • eslint-config-galex
    • the last eslint config you'd ever needed, at the time at least