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The War Within Season 2 Dungeon Dispels
A (hopefully) comprehensive list of all dispels in the 11.1 dungeon rotation.
Magic and Purges provided by Ortemis and by proxy, MDT.
Table of Contents
Cinderbrew Meadery
Mean Mug
- High damage, low amount of stacks debuff on tank in the first room
Shredding Sting
- Used by Worker Bees in the right side of the dungeon towards Benk Buzzbee
Shredding Sting
- Stacking bleed from Ravenous Cinderbee during the Benk Buzzbee encounter
Darkflame Cleft
Crude Weapons
- Fast stacking tank debuff that is entirely irrelevant on low stacks. wouldn't consider removing below 15 stacks
- Aapplied by autohits of Menial Laborers
Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
Operation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Grievous Rip
- Works identical to
Darkheart Thicket cat jumps
- Works identical to
Lunging Strike
- Via Sergeant Shaynemail, miniboss
- Avoidable by not stepping into them
Pierce Armor
- Via Captain Dailcry, first boss
Jagged Cut
- Stacking debuff on tank via Earthrager, adds during the Azerokk encounter
Heavy Slash
- Via Taskmaster Askari, miniboss
Theater of Pain
Bone Spear
- Interruptible
- oneshots non-tanks in high keys
Ricocheting Blade
- Via Advent Nevermore or Harugia the Bloodthirsty minibosses
- Cleave avoidable by not stacking
- Tankbuster, used to be outrangeable in Shadowlands and wouldn't recast. range seems unchanged, so maybe still possible
Jagged Quarrel
Jagged Gash
Darkflame Cleft
Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
Theater of Pain
Genetic Alteration
- via Paceran the Virulent, first boss
Decaying Blight
Withering Blight
- Interruptible
- Near-oneshots or oneshots in high keys
Vile Eruption
- Avoidable by not standing in front/behind of the Rancid Gasbag when the casts finishes
- Oneshots in high keys
The Rookery
Theater of Pain
Curse of Desolation
Shadow Vulnerability
- instant cast by Portal Guardians
Cinderbrew Meadery
Darkflame Cleft
Paranoid Mind
- Interruptible
Flaming Tether
Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
Blazing Chomp
Arcing Zap
- Interruptible
Capacitor Discharge
- Avoidable, don't stand in bad
Fiery Jaws
Operation: Floodgate
Kinetic Explosive Gel
- Dispelling deals damage to the group and knocks up bombs.
Black Blood Wound
- If not dispelled, player is stunned for 5 seconds
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Blinding Light
- Face away to avoid
Holy Flame
- Avoidable, dodge the swirly
- Interruptible
Heat Wave
Blazing Strike
Tectonic Barrier
- Interruptible
Transmute: Enemy to Goo
- Interruptible
Iced Spritzer
- Interruptible
Echo Blade
The Rookery
Unstable Corruption
- Creates a puddle upon dispel
Feasting Void
Theater of Pain
Withering Touch
- Interruptible
Cinderbrew Meadery
Rejuvenating Honey
- Interruptible
Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
Operation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Inner Fire
- Stuns target upon removal
Templar's Wrath
The Rookery
Void Shell
- Interruptible
Theater of Pain
Bone Shield
Unholy Fervor
- Interruptible