Encounter Notes for Liberation of Undermine

Encounter Notes for Liberation of Undermine

Table of Contents

My personal encounter notes. Some of this is generic in regards to e.g. intermission timers and cooldown decisions so others may also find it helpful.

Note that these are updated as we progress through Mythic. Unless it has a dedicated Mythic section, everything is for Heroic!

Vexie and the Geargrinders



  • Breath of Eons on pull
  • hold Breath of Eons for intermission (~2:00)
  • hold Breath of Eons for intermission (~4:30)
  • hold Breath of Eons for intermission (~7:10)
  • due to holding cds and variable phasing time, this might be a Chronowarden angle. the intermission lasts usually longer than 40s


  • spreading Bombardments on the bikers isn't worth, they shouldn't live that long
  • spreading Bombardments during the intermission may be worth, will have to see


Cauldron of Carnage

  • intermissions are
    • 1:15
    • 2:50



There's a lot of damage happening here, so having a defensive script greatly helped. Thanks to Vollmer for creating it.

You can use this as MRT note with the Kaze MRT TTS aura or TimelineReminders. Obviously replace Xephyris with your character name.

Zephyr is likely assigned by your raid leader, we have it during each intermission.

{time:0:22}0:22{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:0:46}0:46{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:1:09}1:09{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374227} 
{time:1:57}1:57{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:2:21}2:21{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:3:32}3:32{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:3:56}3:56{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:4:19}4:19{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374227} 
{time:5:07}5:07{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:5:31}5:31{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:5:54}5:54{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:6:42}6:42{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:7:06}7:06{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:7:29}7:29{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374227} 
{time:8:17}8:17{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:8:41}8:41{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:363916} 
{time:9:40}9:40{spell:463900}|cff6aa84fThunderdrum Salvo|r - Xephyris {spell:374348} 
{time:9:42}9:42{spell:473650}|cff6aa84fScrapbomb|r - Xephyris {spell:374227} 


  • no specific cd windows due to intermissions, full send



  • probably also just full send
  • likely terrible fight for Aug on Torq s side due to spread


  • 2nd Breath of Eons is during intermission but it's probably sketchy to execute on prog without wall
  • spread Bombardments during intermission for extra cdr

Rik Reverb

Heroic Pyrotechnics Timings

  • first set
    • 0:22
    • 1:05 (+43)
    • 1:46 (+41)
  • second set
    • 2:51
    • 3:35 (+43)
    • 4:16 (+41)
  • third set
    • 5:19
    • 6:02 (+43)
    • 6:44 (+41)

Mythic Pyrotechnics Timings

  • first set
    • 0:20
    • 1:20 (+60)
    • 1:40 (+20)
  • second set
    • 2:50
    • 3:50 (+60)
    • 4:10 (+20)
  • third set
    • not there yet :)




  • full send. you'll lust on pull anyway and first cd window will cover first set of adds largely. fight, especially early on, is very hectic so better to get used to timers


  • Breath of Eons on pull and basically on cd unless it'll overlap with intermission. adds won't/shouldn't live long enough to hold for them

Stix Bunkjunker



  • likely identical to Devastation, full send
  • good chances this fight sucks big time for Aug if you're unlucky and your current buff targets get picked for Rolling Rubbish

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock


  • Dragonrage on pull
  • and then either during or after each intermission
    • if the second is after intermission, say 2:30, then next is at ~4:55
    • if the second is during intermission, say 2:20, then next is at ~4:45
    • so either way, not a large difference that would allow you to get another one in
    • imo very awkward for 2 minutes. the reason you're not sending on cooldown is that on intermission start, the boss jumps away and also knocks the entire raid to the opposite side of the room, so you're out of range for a considerable time


  • Breath of Eons on pull
  • same pattern as Devastation. adjust based on buff target cds

One-Armed Bandit


  • assignments to pick up coins may influence your timings, so these suggestions are based on the assumption that you have no assignments at the given time
  • make sure you have empowers for each add set, or at the very least, Mass Disintegrate
  • Dragonrage on pull
    • note there's a first High Roller window at ~0:10
    • also note that it only lasts 15s so barely into adds. obviously still a gain during cds so watch out
  • hold Dragonrage for 30% of the boss if close to it and/or played through the combos
    • this should be around 4:30 on Heroic at least


  • Breath of Eons on pull and on cd except for holding one for phase 2
    • breathing the adds is probably only useful on Mythic
    • they're the damage check but the priority targets will very most likely die before breath pops, so you'd only get in some cleave and boss isn't focused

Mug'Zee, Heads of Security



lmao respec :skull:

in all seriousness, the only thing you want to watch out for is not to Breath of Eons briefly before Earthshaker Gaol

Chrome King Gallywix



  • Dragonrage on pull
  • Dragonrage on first set of adds at ~2:05
  • on cd, it'll align with next set of adds around ~6:10 (P3 start)
  • use Deep Breath to navigate between quadrants in P1 when you don't have Rescue
  • use Deep Breath in P2 to navigate between boss positions on the edge of the platform to save hover


likely full send with a possible hold for intermission. not worth holding for adds outside of maybe Mythic